Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Showing Some Respect

I'm feeling pretty sure that I'm really going to like and respect Killian as he gets older. Not just as my son, but as a good person. My reasoning is two simple things he said to me when I was cutting the grass while he was swinging the other day. At one point, I encountered a fist-sized rock which I had to chuck out of my path. Unthinking, I just tossed it toward the back of the yard. No biggie, but he said "That was a good throw, daddy. Good throw!" That may sound meaningless, but the fact that he thought to congratulate me on something so negligible was really touching. Later in the cutting event, I managed to hook the hose stand with the lawn mower chassis and topple it. I let the lawn mower power down to stand the hose back up and he said "That's ok, daddy. You didn't mean to do it. It was an accident. That's ok." Again, he was simply minding his own business swinging back and forth prior to that and I didn't give any verbal clue that I was angry or anything. He just thought to let me know it would be alright. I've seen him behave similarly toward other kids when playing. Just a sweet kid right there.