Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reset Button

Depending on who you are and why you came to this page, the following information may be already be "old" news to you.  Killian's mother, Bobbie, passed away at the end of July, 2009, not long after my last previous post to this blog.  Obviously, the impact of this event to our lives is well beyond description and certainly more than an excuse for my lack of posting since but it has also renewed my interest in using this blog as a living document to record my experience in raising our child without her.  I have updated my profile with more information to that end, so please give it a read if you are interested.

I have made the empty promise on many occasions before on other blogs, but it is my intent to post much more frequently to this blog as I attempt to chronicle my time spent with Killian as I watch him grow and learn a little about us both along the way.

I thank the other blogging widowed dads out there for helping fuel my desire to re-engage this effort.