Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Killian got a Wii for his birthday as one of his big gifts.  He was all about Wii Sports Boxing.  Here's a sampling of his skills on display (note that he is incorporating the relatively unknown "kick" maneuver):

Happy 6th Birthday!

Killian turned six this past Thursday and had his birthday at a skating rink, Jellybeans, on Saturday.  The party was a great success with 21 kids (and almost as many parents).  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and I only managed to test my gravity skills on one occasion.  I am pretty certain that Bobbie would have approved of the party I put together.  :)

Things I will miss

As Killian continues to grow and develop, I recognize things that I will miss as he grows up.  Little things, of course, but so important to a parent.  In particular, the thing that I'm thinking of as I type this are some mispronounced words by a young mind and mouth.  Some of these he has moved past and is saying correctly now while others are still wonderfully present.  Here is a quick list off the top of my mind:

chLocolate (chocolate)
Lellow (yellow)
dangerous tentacles (chemicals)

Of course there are many more but I can't think of them as I type.  Boo on me for not recording these thoughts and observations more often.

Other things that I cherish now which I am certain to lose as he grows older include a genuine loving hug and cuddling.  I think that these are likely to be the things I miss most over time and wish I could give to my parents enough to make up for the years when I was too big for that anymore.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Performance Lunch With Killian

Had lunch with Killian at Burger King on Saturday.  This is a sampling of what such an experience is often like: