Thursday, July 22, 2010

Killian: A Self Portrait

Killian apparently decided to sneak a few pictures of himself with my camera on our trip to the beach.  It was a good thing for two reasons:

  1. I failed to take any decent photos while we were there.
  2. It made for a very entertaining surprise when I downloaded the pictures from my camera tonight.

And my personal favorite...


Unknown said...

Dear Paul,
What a precious group of pictures to find unexpectedly on your camera! I hope that the two of you had a great time at the beach and I hope to see you at school soon. Tell Killian to stop by to say hello to me on his way down to his new first grade classroom. Tell him I love and miss him very much!

Melanie and Chauncey West said...

So awesome! I love it! What a funny guy!