Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This Kid Keeps Growing

So I had to raise the seat on his bike yesterday and it's already looking to small for him ("It will grow with him" my foot). I took a wild shot at removing his training wheels as well. He was excited about it rather than scared, which was nice. He didn't really have the balance however so they went back on about 10 minutes later.

He is a Lazytown *fanatic* as of late. Between that and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Jungle Fury, he really needs no other entertainment. He recently got costumes for both; Sportacus for Lazytown and blue ranger for MMPRJF. I need to take and post pics - he *LOVES* them. Suffice it to say that they have served as pajamas on more than one occasion thus far. Looks like the MMPR mask is causing some irritation under his nose, however, so it is currently banned from wear until we determine whether it is the culprit or not.

In other news, he went underwater at the pool voluntarily for the first time yesterday. He was so proud of himself that he had to call a bunch of people (daddy at work being one of them) to let them know. Additionally, we got new back wheels for his "tractor" since the others had worn to holes in them after cruising around the cul de sac for the past several months. $18 a piece for the wheels (pricey, but not freakishly so) and $35 for shipping (Ouch!).

He maintains the status of being really good over the past several weeks while mommy is dealing with her treatment troubles. Gotta love that kid.

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