Sunday, July 6, 2008

Wee Rider

In an effort to actually get some exercise, I picked up the WeeRide Co-Pilot bike trailer for Killian. It's awesome. He loves it and I get a chance to ride at speed as opposed to just trying to stay balanced at his 12" cycling speed. It's tough to tote 40-ish extra pounds behind me, particularly in my current state of ultra-fitness, but it's not difficult to ride. It really only hurts when heading uphill. All said, I would definitely suggest the trailer. It was very easy to assemble and is easy to attach and detach from my bike with a quick-release bolt. I think it will serve to help him drop the training wheels from his own bike sooner as well since he can pedal along with me, though he can't steer or stop.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

The Wee Rider looks really neat, but don't you worry about him falling off???!!! :0