Saturday, July 19, 2008

What a Kid

Wow, what a great kid [brag, brag, brag]. He has been in a really spectacular mood over the past several weeks and really fun to be around. In addition to just being well behaved, he has been especially loving and cuddly. It really makes your day when he snuggles up to you to watch TV. It's just plain awesome.

He and I went to a friend of mine's birthday dinner tonight. Bobbie stayed home because she was really nauseous from the treatments. He had a really fun time playing with their daughter (she's 3) and just hanging out at a new place in general. Their neighbors had a full sized trampoline with the protective netting around the outside and that was a real treat for him. He loved it. It was fun for me as well because I rarely get to see this friend anymore. It's a good 40 minutes to get to their house, so Killian and I had a fun and talkative ride on the way up and he crashed on the way back so I had to wake him up for a bath before bed. You can always tell when he's definitely tired because he is ready to get out of the bath as soon as you're done washing him. Typically he wants to play until he's a prune.

He has also been dealing with Bobbie being sick in bed over the past month really well. I was pretty worried about how he would take it since up to that point it had been pretty much all mommy all day for a long time. He's had a rotating crew of helpers to keep him entertained throughout (mom & Glen, dad and then Bobbie's mom) and that has been helpful I'm sure.

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